Abraham Romero Jimenez - Missing Persons News

Abraham Romero Jimenez

Case Details

Photo URLs:


This person was missing Missing Since 04/19/2015

Missing Since:
Missing Since 04/19/2015
Missing From:
Missing From Roswell, New Mexico
Classification Endangered Missing
Race Hispanic
Date of Birth:
Date of Birth 05/16/1940 (84)
Age 74 years old
Height and Weight:
Height and Weight 5’7 – 5’10, 175 – 190 pounds
Clothing/Jewelry Description:
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Distinguishing Characteristics Hispanic male. Black hair, brown eyes.
Details of Disappearance:
Jimenez and his girlfriend, Raquel Rodriguez, vanished from Roswell, New Mexico on April 19, 2015. They left their dogs home alone without food or water, which was very unusual for them. No one has heard from them since.

Their van was found abandoned but drivable a short distance from their house. Police don’t have proof anyone harmed them, but they find the disappearance suspicious and worry about their safety. Raquel’s son says his mom and Jimenez had no enemies, and he thinks they were kidnapped because leaving like that was completely out of character.

The case is still a mystery.

Chaves County Sheriff’s Office 575-624-6500
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