Alyssa Angelique McLemore - Missing Persons News

Alyssa Angelique McLemore

Case Details

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This person was missing Missing Since 04/09/2009

Missing Since:
Missing Since 04/09/2009
Missing From:
Missing From Kent, Washington
Classification Endangered Missing
Race Biracial, Black, Native American
Date of Birth:
Date of Birth 07/23/1987 (37)
Age 21 years old
Height and Weight:
Height and Weight 5’1 – 5’3, 130 pounds
Clothing/Jewelry Description:
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Distinguishing Characteristics Biracial (African-American/Native American) female. Black hair, brown eyes. McLemore has a scar on her abdomen. She is of Aleut descent. Many agencies list her race as Asian or Pacific Islander.
Details of Disappearance:
When she disappeared, McLemore lived in Kent, Washington with her mom and grandma. On April 9, 2009, her grandma called her at 6:30 PM. McLemore’s mom was very sick with scleroderma (a serious illness), and her grandma told McLemore her mom was getting worse. McLemore said she’d be right home.
Kent Police Department 253-856-5800
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